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I would like to point out that I am removing the dog's undercoat but not the hair.
You must harvest this UNDERCOAT using a hand carder or a comb. This allows you to collect the fur in depth. It is advisable not to put puppy undercoat because the wool is less beautiful. Wait at least the first year of the dog before harvesting. To obtain quality wool, you must mainly brush the body and chest of your dog. Do not brush the tail and the fringes of the legs because your wool will sting. Forget the cut hair, because it does not hold.




I would like to point out that I am removing the dog's undercoat but not the hair.
You must harvest this UNDERCOAT (down) using a hand carder or a comb. This allows you to collect the down in depth. It is advisable not to put puppy undercoat because the wool is less beautiful. Wait at least the first year of the dog before harvesting. To obtain quality wool, you must mainly brush the body and chest of your dog. Do not brush the tail and the fringes of the legs because your wool would sting. Forget the cut hair, because it does not hold.


The quality of your wool depends first of all on the quality of the brushing. In some breeds there are "feathers" of which 1/3 is undercoat (near the dog's skin) and 2/3 is hair. Avoid putting them otherwise your wool will be less soft. It is also easy to see the difference between hair and undercoat, just by touch. The hair is thick and stiff (photo) while the undercoat (down) looks like cotton or a dust bunnies. Remember to sort it before sending. Do not wash the wool because it would be unusable. However, you can keep it for many years in a bag or box provided that it is stored in a dry and moth-free place.


UNDERCOAT or DOWN to make wool


HAIR to throw away


Le minimum pour le filage est de 130 gr.

Il faut savoir que les différentes opérations de cardage, filage et lavage, vont occasionner une perte sur le poids final. Il faut envisager une perte de 10 % à 15% en fonction de la teneur en graisse et de la longueur de la fibre. Ainsi, vous aurez une idée de la quantité de laine que vous obtiendrez en retour, par rapport au poids expédié. Vous pouvez maintenant envoyer en "colissimo" le sous poil de votre chien dans un sac plastique et dans un carton bien fermé pour éviter la perte de votre récolte lors de l'envoi. (photo)


IMPORTANT   Make sure your harvest is clean of all green waste (grass, leaves, twigs, sticky balls, etc.). Remove all small knots because they may end up in your wool. Otherwise, I will be forced to send it back to you to do this operation which is very long or to charge you for the hours spent in addition to the spinning work.


Before sending your wool package, please go to the CONTACT page and fill out the form, specifying the breed of your dog so that I can confirm whether it is possible to spin it.

Include in your package:
* your name, address, telephone number and email address
* the name and breed of your dog (send his photo by email if you want it to appear on my site).

If your harvest exceeds 1 kg, please include a deposit of approximately 30% with your shipment.


When the balls are ready, you will be informed (by email or telephone) of the exact weight of your wool to the nearest gram and the corresponding price. The cost of the return package is your responsibility.
Let me know if you want a Colissimo in R1 against signature.
Upon receipt of payment, your wool package will be sent by return.
You can pay by Paylib or Wero (simple, free, immediate and secure), by PayPal or by bank check.

DOGWOOL Canine Wool 06 83 78 59 97

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